Fashion clothes

Muslims are required to pay attention to their appearance, making sure that their clothing is beautiful and clean, especially when dealing with others and when performing the prayers, as the Qur’an states, “Children of Adam, wear your best clothes to every mosque.” (Soorat Al-A‛raaf, 7:31)  


However, why do we see people following fashion blindly now-a-days? There are a number of reasons.
Among them, is peer pressure.
Many times you find people blindly following fashion because they love celebrities.
A proper Muslim is not impressed by fashion and he does not follow fashion blindly. A proper Muslim wears good clothes, wear clean clothes, wears decent clothes that protects his identity and identity for a Muslim is extremely important.

                          FASHION CLOTHES

Clothes are a blessings and a favor from Allah (may He be glorified and exalted). With them we cover what needs to be covered and it protects us from cold or hot weather. So it is a blessing of Allah (may He be glorified and exalted).

                  PROHIBITED CLOTHES

It is prohibited to wear clothing which involves imitation of the dress traditionally worn by non-Muslims or clothing of religious significance.

                    WOMEN's CLOTHES

Islam says that the believing women should lower their gaze, guard their modesty, not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women.

                          MEN's CLOTHES

Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and protect their private parts (from sins). That is purer for them. And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.(Quran 24:30)

Although they are sometimes overlooked or not well understood there are conditions of dress code for men as well. Some of the conditions are the same as the conditions for woman but others relate particularly to men.
It should not be tight or see-through.A man is not permitted to wear garments made of silk, or jewellery made of gold.Two types of adornment are forbidden to men but permitted for women. These are, gold and clothing made of pure silk. 

                         SUNNAH CLOTHING

Our main object of wearing clothes is covering our satr (private parts) and protection of the body from hot and cold conditions. The satr has been defined as the parts of the person which is indecent to expose. For a man this is what consists between the navel and the knee. It is the entire body for a female except the palms.


The object of this discussion is to encourage the fashion according to ISLAM. Follow your identity as a Muslim. Be proud of who you are and never ever think down of yourself just because you are not following what the others are blindly following.

And Only Allah gives divine guidance and He is the True Helper.”


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